Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Redwood National Park:   May 29, 2013 

The day started out pretty rainy.  But that didn't stop us fro enjoying a nice hike through the Lady Bird Johnson Grove of redwood trees in Redwood National Park.  The park was founded in 1968.  These majestic redwoods can grow to 350 feet tall and live for 2,000 years or more.     

On our way to the park we spotted several elk along the road.  They are wild elk, but didn't seem to be too threatened by our cameras.   According to the guidebook, they are Roosevelt Elk.                                                                    

 The coastline in northern California is so different that the coastline of southern California that we are used to.  The rain stopped and we enjoyed spending time stopping along the coast to take pictures.

                                                             Trinidad State Beach

The forest is just so beautiful and peaceful.  There were lots of Azaleas in bloom along this hiking trail.  

Tomorrow we plan to head south about 30 miles to the town of Eureka.  It was a town that supported gold mining back in the day as well as logging.  It is supposed to have lots of old restored victorian buildings and some interesting museums.  I'll post about it tomorrow after we've checked it out.

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