Monday, June 3, 2013


June 3, 2013 - Yachats and Newport, Oregon

Today we took a short drive south to the town of Yachats and went off the beaten path a bit to find this old covered bridge.  It spans a small river and is one of many covered bridges in the state of Oregon.  The drive was really pretty as the road to the bridge follows the Yachats River.

Covered bridge built in 1938

On our way to the bridge we spotted these unusual cows.  I'm calling them Oreo cows, but I'm sure there is a name for the breed of cow.
Oreo Cows

Yaquina Bay Lighthouse (1871)
After the covered bridge, we headed north to Newport, Oregon to see another lighthouse.  This is the Yaquina Bay Lighthouse.  It was only operational for a few years and was the first lighthouse built on the Oregon coast where the light was perched at the top of the light keeper's house and not in a separate tower.  It has been restored and furnished in keeping with the 1870's.  There is a very active harbor in the town of Newport and we will be going back tomorrow to explore the old town and harbor area.

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